State Name: Brazil
Currency: Real
Form of Government: Republic
Official Language: PortuguesePopulation: 172.6 millionDin: 75% Catholic, diğer.Irk mixture of 25%: 70% red, 20% black, 10% other.Flight Duration: 15 hoursTime Difference: 6 hours back ...Electricity: 60-speed 110/220 volt uses.Climate: The climate is tropical.KDV: There is no tax refund.Area: 8,514,876.599 km2Religion: Predominantly Catholic.About Rio de Janeiro:Although Rio has a history of more than 400 years, a very modern city. Occupies an area of approximately 1200 km2 and is one of Brazil's fastest growing and most populous cities. More than 10 million inhabitants (6 million city, around 4 million) Rio'yu is the second largest city of Brazil. Rio's population density is one of the highest in the world. Rio's population density, a reflection of history. African, European and South American Indian groups as different, since the time of their marriage was enacted in the colonies.Of course all of Rio's most important cultural event, carnival held in February end or beginning of March. Attracts many people from all over the world and hundreds of thousands of people in Rio 's involved in this gaudy entertainment. Carnival supply, in the 15th century in the east to Portugal in the tradition of entertainment. Rio socialite became popular in the mid 19th century costume balls, but did not rule out poor people and their groups in the self-made rites of passage ceremonies. Carnival samba schools compete to arrive first. This was established for 90 000 person capacity arena. competitions, the jury of music, dress, story, song, rhythm and dance to score all of the state. Tickets Riotur local travel agency from the Banco do Brasil, or than it is possible to obtain. Reservation is strongly recommended that participation.Environment:United States Conference on Environment and Development, Eco-92 from the environmental capital of the world as a self-admitted after the Rio. Preparing for the conference, the federal government of Rio 's spent more than $ 1 million for infrastructure. Are spending more to protect the city's poorest areas of health and many health clinics, schools, kindergartens and community centers have been established.Language:Portuguese is the official language of Brazil. Many words used in South American and African languages. Many in the name (Guanabara, Carioca, Tijuca and Niteroi), and animal names (Piranha, Capivara and Urubu) manifestations of it.Wording is similar to that of Spanish in writing in Portuguese, but it is completely different from spoken language. Brezeilyalılar, Hispanics can easily understand speech, but the Spaniards, Brazilians will have difficulty in understanding speech.English, despite being taught in schools is not used in common parlance. Use the breath does not happen in your English-Portuguese European, Portuguese, English-Birezilya make sure that, because these two languages are quite different from each other.
Climate - Temperature:Rio has a tropical climate zone. During the summer (December 'tan in March up to) hot and humid. Daily maximum temperatures 25-40 C, and the heavy rain occurs, but the rainfall rarely lasts long. Winter temperatures 20-30 C and is ideal for the beach.Customs:Tourists in Brazil or entering 400 cigarettes, 250gr. tobacco and 25 cigars; 2lt. bring alcohol; Brazil a free zone shall be allowed to receive 2500 USD worth of goods.
Economy:Rio shipping, banking, cultural, publishing and developing rapidly in terms of administrative management. Each year more than 30 million tonnes of port trade. Misafirlein from Brazil, 80% of the revenues and expenses from the airport in Rio.
Health and Related Details: There is no general health problems. They serve public and private hospitals in Brazil are advised to Private Hospitals ...Clothing: Climate is warm and comfort standards, the mountainous region, which is cool in the evenings if you do not plan trips do not need much thicker clothing. But in the tropical belt in Rio 'to rain or rain and sweat-shirt is worth the possession ...
Important Phone Numbers: Country Code '55Turkish Consulate: Audio Av - das Nacoeslote 23 70, 452 Brasilya Df, Tel: 61 242 1850Rio De Janeiro International Airport: 21 398 4208 - 4209 Tourist Office. 242 1947/242 8000To Turkey How to Open the phone? 00 + 90 + area code + phone number.Banks and shops opening hours are:Banks: Weekdays 10:00 to 14:30Shops: except Sunday 9:00 to 18:00Dance:Urban Ballet Theater in Rio bünyesindedir. Samba is common all over town. The main samba and tango dances taught in schools;Elite; Rua Frei Caneca 4-1, Centro, Estudantina, 79 Praca Tiradentes, Asa Branca; Adelzon, Samba de Raiz Alves, 17 Avenida Mem de Sa ..Music:Brazilian Symphonic Orchestra, the orchestra of the city and the Rio Theatre. The Theatro Municipal, Praça Floriano, opera companies, the Centro is also the meeting point of Rio.Religion:Predominantly Catholic and the Catholic population in Brazil has the world's busiest. Brazil also provides a great flexibility followers of different religions and different denominations, and is also famous for having a mixed race.
Currency:Of Brazil currency the REAL is. 100 cents damaged occurs at the 1, 5, 10, 25 & 50 There is a bill for a full real. Banknotes in different colors, consists of: 1 Real green, 5 Realblue / purple, 10 Real Red, 50 100 Real Real brown and blue.
Theater: Play sahnelenebilecek cultural centers and museums are large enough for the theater, except in Rio more than 60 are building. Some of them, the City Theater, Musea de Belas Artes, 199 Avenida Rio Branco, Dulcina, 17 Rua Alcindo GuanaberaCarioca:"Carioca" word, the times are from the country's first European "white man's house" and is used as a venue for trade has been described in Portugal. The word today, birthplace, descent, or residence is a lot more sense. Pride, greed emotion and tells the life had been dedicated. Most of the enthusiasm of the city caused by the natural grandeur of Carioca: seemingly endless beaches, headlands and vast ocean as if they had the hands of the sculptor.
Film:Carioca'lar, cinema-goers. Cheaper to watch movies from the U.S. and Europe and Brazil opens immediately. Offered in the original languages, Portuguese subtitles. Tickets were around R $ 8.Rio's most important film of the classic Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers captured the Copacabana Palace Hotel, "Flying Down to Rio" (1933). The latest starring Antonio Fagundes'in "Bossa Nova" (1999) Rio 'was also drawn to.Time:Brazil as a 4th official time zone. Standard time zones east of Brazil, including Rio, northeastern, southern and southeastern districts. This is 3 hours behind Greenwich time zone. While in Rio, at noon in London, at 15.00 hours is, in New York, San Francisco was 10:00 in the morning at 7:00 in the morning, Sydney in Melburne or at 1:00 in the morning and in New Zealand 11:00 in the evening is. Summer time from October to February is applied to.When I should go:City, Rio 's famous carnival time teemed with visitors and tourists. Beauty of the city is not very crowded at other times may be preferable in terms of better visibility. Beautiful scenery, world-famous beaches, warm Carioca 's really worth seeing.Literary Notes:Many works of Brazilian literature in English translated to. Perhaps Brazil's most famous national writer Jorge Amado. Works, "Blues For A Lost Childhood", the Rio-lived but much hell to live this life look like a journalist, Antonio Torres describes the life of heaven.Among other Brazilian authors Carlos Drummond, Luis Fernando Verissimo and is Ziraldo.Body Language:Brazilians are so many body language that strengthens the oral communication. The thumb to the air show, "tudo bem" to congratulate, right, or you used to mean.By combining the index finger with the thumb used by the Americans, "okay" sign Never use it as a very rough hand motion is detected. Hurry up - hurry to declare, hand on middle finger lightly touches the thumb dangled from the wrist.If you do not want anything to get rid of it as if the rest of the events in your hands quickly enough to hit each other. The edge of your finger to touch your eyes, "I'm more clever than you" means.Tipping:Usually 10 - 15% are expected to tip. In restaurants a service charge is mandatory and is usually included in the calculation. If you are satisfied you are more than service, plus you may leave a tip. Even though the account has not been included in the 10% tip is customary. Traditionally, for example where there is no local cafes, bars, street and beach sellers, tip is always appreciated.Park officials' salaries, only rely on tip. Employees of gas stations, shoe boyacılarına and barbers are also usually tip. Taxis, tip the new customer receivables.
Passport and Visa:Australia, America, New Zealand and Canada have a passport, people in Brazil must obtain a visa to enter either. British citizens do not need to get a visa. Brazil Brazil is lodged at a diplomatic visa to enter transactions for 90 days after the transaction dateapplies. When you need to fill two other copy of the Brazilian Tourist Board, a copy of your passport iliştirilirken, the other will remain civil servants.Cultural events in Rio, Carnival is synonymous with, but each year, many cultural events throughout the year, such as general and also hosts entertainment shows. The Rock in Rio For a Better World Festival, a famous Brazilian traditional sounds and Sting, Oasis, REM, Britney Spears, Neil Young, Sheryl Crowe and brings together international singers. In August the Free Jazz Festival is held, a new phenomenon in the world of jazz. International Film Festival, Rio-Cine, made in November each year and has grown so much that now the reputation of Cannes to Montreal to have been competing.Rio 'calendar of cultural events in:JanuaryNew Year's Eve and Festa de Iemanja:Christmas Eve, thousands of city firemen with ıslatması Rio 'is an event worth seeing, and also coincides with the Sea Goddess Iemanja Festival. This festival is celebrated robed inananlarca small boats filled with flowers thrown, and votive offerings.
Dia de Sao Sebastiao:The city's patron saints' day of commemoration and celebration of Scroll January 20 'ta, the Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro' Metropolitana Cathedral was consecrated extent of moving image of the celebration.FebruaryCarnival:Each year thousands of people to the world's most famous for his party in Rio 'or flock. Samba schools to monitor students' rehearsals to prepare for the visitors are taken up a month before opening. Sambodromo schools competing for the actual show, it 'looks exactly the same, one of 16 wins and the best school in Rio' would be proud of. Affect everyone in this festival is spread all over the city. Carnival Ball at every street corner to the race and the hotel can enjoy their own celebration.Dia also the Fundação Cidade (20th February 2000):1565 in Tijuca commemorate the establishment of the city in Sao Sebastiao in celebration, meeting.MarchSexta - Feira also Paixao:The most important celebration of Good Friday in the whole city, the Via Sacra 're the removal of the subject area under da Lapa Acros 100 is a religious ceremony to celebrate close to the actor.JuneFestas Juninas:The traditional festival, the city's main squares, 13, 24 and 29 June is celebrated.JulyFesta in Sao Pedro do Mar:July 3 at this ceremony is celebrated on the sea, the sea life of the winners of St. URLs of the Sao Pedro Urca hürmetlerini ships decorated to offer to take lead.AugustOuteiro Glória the Festa de N S:Virgin Mary's rise into the sky along the street from the church continues to this day to commemorate the transition of the sacred ceremony. Church lit, and music shops are now marked.SeptemberDia de Independencia do Brasil:Rio de Janeiro 7 in September is celebrated as Independence Day, Freedom Square military parade is done along the Vargas case.OctoberFesta also Penha:Every Sunday of October and November 'are arranged on the first Sunday of this religious and popular festivals in the Igreja NS Penha de França, the Penha Largo 19' is celebrated quite so vividly.Public Holidays: Closed on the following national government offices and shops;January 14 to 8 March (Carnival 2000): Every year, değişiiyorApril 21Good FridayMay 13 June (Corpus Cristi) is changing every yearJuly 9 (only in Sao Paulo)September 7 (National Day)Oct. 12November 2November 15Christmas DayOne of the most beautiful cities in the world founded on an island of extraordinary beauty. There are many people living in this spectacular city of Rio de Janero'dan get to be called Cidade Maravilhosa. In other words, the 'perfect city'. The major advantage of hotels are located here in the city's natural beauty and colorful life of its own ..Hotel Inter-Continental Rio:Prefeito Avenida de Morais Mendes, São Conrado 222, 22610-090 Rio de Janeiro, BrazilTel: +55 21 3323 2200 Fax: +55 21 3322 for its stunning beaches of Rio de Janeiro is one of the most important commercial centers of South America at the same time. Surrounded by mountains, this hotel is one of the best hotels Brazilya'nnın error can not say that at all. 431 room hotel located in an elaborate swimming pools, three tennis courts, gyms and saunas serve. In addition, there is an immediate attaining excellence with world-class restaurants and bars.Rio otha Palace:3264 Avenida Atlantica in Rio de Janeiro, BrazilTel: +55 21 5221 522 Fax: +55 21 5221 world-famous Copacabana beach 10 km away from the city center, this hotel is right next to. Enjoy the nightlife just a few minutes you can have access to top sites. The nearest airport is 20 km away.Gloria Hotel:Rua Do Russel, 632 22210-010 Rio de Janeiro, BrazilSaunas, gyms, 10-mile golf course, beauty salons, swimming pools and restaurants, serving thousands of tourists every year, the hotel offers excellent opportunities to relax.Marina Palace Hotel:630 Avenida Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Delfim MoreiraRight next to the sandy beaches and comfortable guest rooms Lebnon Ipanem a pretty good hotel. 1 km away from the Copacabana beach, the hotel consists of 26 floors and 150 rooms, is serving as a 5-star hotel.Sheraton Rio Hotel and Towers:Niemeyer Ave 121 - Rio De Janeiro, BrazilAll rooms have balconies with sea and mountain views, the hotel will appreciate the sight. 3 restaurants, a bar with live music, swimming pool and three tennis kortuyla waiting for you.Hotel Le Meridien:Av. Atlantica, 1020 22010-000 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil496 rooms and suites as well as near the city center, next to the Copacabana beach. Bars, estoranları, room service offers a wide range of opportunities to customers and stores.Scorial Rio Hotel:Rua De Dezembro 2 135 - Rio De Janeiro, BrazilRestaurant, room service, parks, swimming pools, sauna and room services a world in itself. DC, DS, AX, MC, VI, you can do your payments with credit cards. Also provides the airport taxi service.Rio Atlantica Hotel:Avenida Atlantica 2964 - Rio De Janeiro, BrazilSandy beach, the hotel is 104 rooms and 114 suites Copabana especially fascinated with tasteful decor. Payments to the city center 10 km away from the hotel AX, CA, DC, VI, credit cards and can, too.Grandville Ouro Verde:Av Atlantica 1456 - Rio De Janeiro, BrazilParks, room service, reading rooms and a beautiful view of providing high quality services at the hotel are not charged under the age of 7. Payments, AX, VI. convenience of credit cards offered by many hotel guests and is also valid.Ibiza Copacabana Hotel:Rua Belford Roxo-Rio de Janeiro, BrazilComfortable rooms, a large customer service and pay at the hotel acclaimed Amex, Visa, Sollo, Credicard, Mastercard, Dinners, and also be able to do. 22 km away from the city centerLocated just 35 km away from the airport's Gig.Sofitel Rio Palace:Av. Atlantica, 4240 Copacabana Rio De Janeiro, Brazil 220 700400 rooms, the hotel was founded in 1980, payments, Visa, American Express, Diners Club and also with adults over the age of yapılabilir.12 subjected to the same charges. Overlooking Copacabana beach, definitely worth a visit. Moreover, very close to the city center.Caesar Park Hotel Ipanema:Avenida Vieira Souto - Rio De Janeiro, Brazil 22420-000Ipenama beach 23-story hotel is perfect. Payments AX, DC, DS, JC, VI, CA, CB be able to do with credit cards. 221 rooms from the hotel phone book in advance.Rio de Janeiro, Brazil DishesBelonging to that country for the first time we went to a country we would like to tadmak dishes. In particular, we are all eating exotic food that attracts the attention of a very different culture from ours. Quite a tourist city with a broader perspective of food culture in Rio, catering to every taste with an extensive menu.If you want to eat something good cheap restaurants rightly be considered an offer price. Promptly advise you from there if you choose to leave the restaurant price list, or be prepared for a big suprise. Water will not come unless you want it on your desk. Water is also included in the price.Not drinking coffee is not of course you go to Brazil. Very crisp and delicious coffee with a bitter taste and is worth trying. All over the world as well as the fast-food is very common in Rio. McDonald's is the most assertive in this area. '' Recently, the Acai the most popular drink''.Obtained from the fruits of the Amazon karşımından this highly energizing drink. Be afraid of dark red color, the taste quite the best choice is to eat a sandwich olcaktır güzel.Yanında. The banana sandwich you're looking for a different hot SERVICE Milas recommended.Let's Brazilian specialties. Brazil is a great country. Ethnic dishes having fun makes the tourists. Beans cooked with pork dish - Feijoada, one of the meals need to try it. Farofa Feijoada is served along with cassava flour mixed with eggs and butter and banana is done after roasting, but not a main dish.Rio de Janeiro in some of the restaurants;AlfredoAv. Prefeito Mendes de Morais 222, Sao Conrado, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilTel: 021/322-2200Inter-Continental Hotel, especially within the restaurant's famous pastries. The traditional cake-rate must be prepared and recommend you to try a variety of flavored sauces. AE, DC, MC, you can make payments with credit cards and the mean restaurant menu is predominantly Italian cuisine ranging from $ 25 to $ 35.ALHO & ÓleoRua Barao the Torre 348, Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilTel: 021/523-2703Italian cuisine restaurant offering a variety of samples prepared grilled apricot sauce, duck, sea bass and mushroom salad with artichokes should definitely try the seafood. Average menu varies between $ 25 -35 USD. Credit cards are accepted only AE.Antiquarius Rua Aristides Epínola 19, Leblon, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilTel: 021/294-1049Offers excellent cuisine Portuguese cuisine, albeit a bit expensive. Light the fire of many materials, including Banana cozido prepared by boiling, and a variety of seafood with rice, prepared by cooking cataplana, which is lamb cooked meals prepared in a different Pernin Cordeiro also simply amazing. There are a wide variety wine list. We advise to book in advance. DC only credit card accepted.Baby Beef Paes MendoncaAv. das Américas in 1510, Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilTel: 021/494-2187Samples of Brazilian cuisine is famous for its restaurant özellile meat dishes. Seven on the night of the week 600 people can dine in the great hall. AE, DC, MC, V, you can pay with credit cards. The portions are very impressive.Barra GrillAv. Ivan Lins Ministro 314, Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilTel: 021/493-6060Casual and comfortable place. Pre-booking is not accepted. A place where the city's best meat dishes. AE, DC, MC, V, able to make payments with credit cards. After a long day on the sandy beach is ideal to go.Café in the PraçaRua Maria Quitéria 91, Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilTel: 021/247-6984Having the appearance of a cafe restaurant space cakes, salads, sandwiches, such as fish, poultry and other meat dishes are also available. Breakfast, lunch in the cafe in the average price range between $ 15 -25 USD. However, closed on Monday. AE, V is accepted.Casa da FeijoadaRua Prudente de Morais 10, Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilTel: 021/267-4994 or 021/247-2776Brazil's traditional meat dishes are served in the restaurant is worth looking desserts. Getting $ 13 per person. Payment AE, DC, MC, V can, too.CeleiroRua Dias Ferreira 199, Leblon, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilTel: 021/274-7843Almost 40 kinds of restaurant salad Vejateryenlere present appeal. Also try the cakes are offered in a wide range. Average price is between $ -254 and 15. Dinner is not.CiprianiAv. Atlantica 1702, Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilTel: 021/545-8747At the Copacabana hotel restaurant serves Italian cuisine. Freshly squeezed juice peach champagne taste prepared dishes carefully prepared near varıken try. Sights a little expensive, especially fish dishes and I need to make a reservation in advance. Payments AE, DC, MC, V can be made with credit cards.ColomboRua Gonçalves Dias 32, Centro, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilTel: 021/232-2300Mediterranean-style venue with prices ranging from $ 5 $ -15. The cafe is closed on Sunday edilkmiyor accept credit card and reservation. To take place is given a drink and light dinner to eat something during the day visit.GeraesRua Ouvidor 26-28, Centro, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilTel: 021/242-8610 or 021/224-6480This is a nice open air restaurant, the board offered sweets and fruits to choose from according to your taste perfectly delicious open buffet meals a banquet with verbilirsiniz yourself. Wednesday and Friday dinners mekenda granted after 18:00 you can enjoy live music. AE, DC, MC, V can make payments with credit cards.Guapo LocoRua Rainha Guilhermina 48, Leblon, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilTel: 021/294-291503:00 at night Mexican cuisine restaurant serving exquisite choices open up, and is preferred by the younger generation. AE, DC, MC, V accepted credit cards lunch weekdays, not space.Le Saint HonoréAv. Atlantica 1020, Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilTel: 021/275-9922At Le Meridien hotel restaurant serves French cuisine, was introduced. Necessarily have to wear jacket and tie, very important to make a reservation. AE, DC, MC, V credit cardscan use.TiberiusAv. Antônio Carlos Jobim 460, Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilTel: 021/525-2525A cozy restaurant serving sea products. Especially spicy sauce served with shrimp, scallops and fish fillets definitely recommend you to try. AE, DC, MC, V credit cards lunch at the restaurant are not accepted. Average prices over the $ 25.
Rio de Janeiro in some of the bars;Cachaia in Academia: Rua Conde de Bernadote, 26 - G / LeblonTel.: 239-1542Adega wintergreen: Rua Siqueira Campos, 138 - A / CopacabanaTel: 255-9425lvaro's: Av. Ataulfo de Paiva, 500 / LeblonTel: 294-2148Botequim: Rua Visconde de Caravelas, 184 / BotafogoTel: 288-3391 to 266-0437Bracarense: Rua Josi Linhares, 85 - B / LeblonTel: 294-3599Caneco 70: Av. Delfim Moreira, 1026 / LeblonTel: 294-1180Espaıo Fellini: Rua General Urquiza, 104 / LeblonTel.: 274-8297Goiabeira: Largo das Neves, 13 / Santa TeresaTel.: 232-5751Lord Jim Pub Bar: Rua Paul Redfern, 63 / IpanemaTel.: 259-3047
Must: Rua de Amoedo Farm, 76 - A / IpanemaTel.: 247-1597Zeppelin: Estrada do Vidigal, 471 / VidigalTel.: 274-1549Rio de Janeiro in Beer House 'Some LIMITATIONS;Bier Welt: Rua Gomes Carneiro, 90 / IpanemaTel.: 227-8476 to 267-9944Choperia Brasil: Av. Armando Lombardi, 205 / Barra da TijucaTel.: 493-2300Chopp Dupla: Rua Gonzaga Bastos, 112 / Vila IsabelTel.: 571-2844Ganz Bier: Rua Visconde de Abaeti, 33 / Vila IsabelTel.: 571-3552Rick's: Via Parque Shopping / Barra da TijucaTel.: 385-0319Toca do Chopp: Rua General Urquiza, 104 / IpanemaTel.: 274-8297Nightlife in Rio de JaneiroRio is perhaps the most interesting things to keep in one of the many alternatives as you can do something different every night. An excellent restaurants, theaters, strip bars, cafes and singles out specific venues, dance clubs with live music shows and entertainment opens the door to you. Music is the heart of Rio de janerin. This is the birthplace of Samba and Bossa Nova. Rio live music outdoors and parks, a wide audience appeal to many indoor venues. Rio's largest concert hall in the new name of the ATL Barra'da determined in Metropolitan Hall. A large part of Rio, cafes, live music almost every day is a chance to be the rising stars of the tourists here. Here are a few live music venue ...
Name Area Address TelephoneAv.Prefeito Alfredo Mendes de Moraes São Conrado, 222 322-2200Antonino Lagoa Av.Epitácio Pessoa, 1224 523-3549Humaitá Humaitá Ballroom Rua, 110 537-7600121 Bar-Av Sheraton São Conrado. Niemeyer, 121 274-1122Bar do Tom Leblon Rua Adalberto Ferreira, 32 274-4022Rua Joaquim Silva cemented Lapa Bar, 138 242-5165Barra Bastidores Av. das Américas, 1 155 495-5520Beco also Botafogo Boemia Rua General Gois Monteiro, 54 542-6296Torre Ipanema on Rua Barão Feita Cabeca, 665 239-3045Rival Centro Café Rua Álvaro Alvin, 33 240-4469Botafogo Canecão Av. Venceslau Brás, 215 543-1241Bar & Cafe:The most frequently asked question is, how to meet locals in Rio de Janeiro, when I go to install friendship with them. If such a goal if we recommend you make an Rio'luların frequented places. There is no need to hesitate to do this. People are very friendly and cordial atmosphere. Find a nice place to jump into a car. Get a pizza and beer, and if possible, prefer open-air, the rest will follow automatically. Here are some suggestions;
Name Area Address TelephoneAv.Prefeito Alfredo Mendes de Moraes São Conrado, 222 322-2200Antonino Lagoa Av.Epitácio Pessoa, 1224 523-3549Humaitá Humaitá Ballroom Rua, 110 537-7600121 Bar-Av Sheraton São Conrado. Niemeyer, 121 274-1122Bar do Tom Leblon Rua Adalberto Ferreira, 32 274-4022Rua Joaquim Silva cemented Lapa Bar, 138 242-5165Barra Bastidores Av. das Américas, 1 155 495-5520Beco also Botafogo Boemia Rua General Gois Monteiro, 54 542-6296Torre Ipanema on Rua Barão Feita Cabeca, 665 239-3045Rival Centro Café Rua Álvaro Alvin, 33 240-4469Botafogo Canecão Av. Venceslau Brás, 215 543-1241
Dance Clubs:If your city is a dance lovers will be in Rio. Every night there are discos and dance until dawn barlarlarda. Most of the beer and liquor drinking. Here you'll encounter a lot dressed in tight clothing and kissing each other dudakdan selamlaşan gay men that they do not think you see. And most importantly, security officers and bodyguardlarla Do not trouble your head. Preferences that you Belisco thirties-aged, Mistura Fina, since the People and get clubs such as Fun Club. These shopping centers are more senior executives, distinguished professionals, bureaucrats in short space of VIP hangout.Name Area Address TelephoneFun Club Botafogo Rua Lauro Muller, 116 (4th floor) 541-4244Torre Ipanema on Rua Barão Hipopotamus, 354 522-8658Le Maxim's Botafogo Rua Lauro Muller, 116 (15th floor) 541-9342Copa Mariuzinn Rua Raul Pompéia, 102 523-8849Meli Melo Lagoa Av. Borges de Medeiros, 1 426 219-3132Lagoa Mostarda Av. Epitácio Pessoa, 980 523-1747Nuth Lounge Barra Av. Armando Lombardi, 999 493-8719He Ipanema Belisco Rua Paul Redfern, 33 511-3615Papillon S. Conrado Intercontinental Hotel 322-2200
Samba:Samba shows are very expensive, beautiful girls made easy steps appear to be a Vegas-style entertainment. Rio 'in the Samba Clubs;Cordao the Bola Preta: Av. Trez the Maio, 13-3 andar / CentroTel: 240 - 8049
Helenico: Rua Itapiru, 1305 / Rio CompridoTel: 273 - 6448Nega Fulo: Rua Conde de Iraja, 132 / BotafogoTel: 266 - 6294Jazz:Rio, in September and October, bringing together world-renowned artists and famous Brazilian Jazz Festival is a free 'What is home. Rio 'Jazz Clubs in;Jazzmania: Rua Rainha Elizabeth, 769 / IpanemaTel: 227 - 2447Mistura Fina: Av. Borges de Medeiros, 3207 / LagoaTel: 537 - 2844 for this article can be found at lyrics.





