-Causes of vaginismus?
Vaginismus is a must-harassment or rape every woman who Is?
-Is it possible to treat vaginismus?
Solve vaginismus hymen-heed?
Is Vaginismus repeats once again-when treated?
-How many patients are often yaşındadırlar vaginismus?
Vaginismus-educated women, will you?
-A reference book: Overcoming Vajinismus'unPress releases, agenda setting, which is one of the country's most respected non-governmental organizations CİSED Association-Institute for Sexual Health, defined as the fear of sexual intercourse in one of every 10 women in our country and the issues clarified in the most curious regarding vaginismus. Here's a stunning press release headlines:Vaginismus causes?Vaginismus is a must in every woman Is harassment or rape?Vaginismus, cognitive, behavioral, psychodynamic, and existential that may have many causes, Dr. CİSED General. Felt Cem; "most common cause of vaginismus first intercourse would be extremely painful and fear of pain and bleeding from which to hear. Girls' sexuality in our society, shame, sin, as prohibited by detecting, almost no information about their own bodies and sexual organs are growing edinemeden. This exaggerated and false beliefs about the hymen, the first night is added to the problem is inevitable. "He said. A woman must be to live with vaginismus whether a history of abuse or rape, is that normal expression. Felt: "Nevertheless, many cases of close family, especially around the older brother or uncle compactness, known as the people to acts of physical or verbal sexual innuendo, or therapies that have been exposed to the images in the learning process." He said.Is it possible to treat vaginismus?Solve vaginismus hymen heed?Repeats once again when vaginismus is treated?Holistic-oriented sex therapy in the treatment of vaginismus and successful as possible with 100% indicating that the President of the General CİSED. Felt Cem, "especially in the process of therapy as a problem of vaginismus is not only the woman's perception of the common problem of the couple and the couple has resolved the myths about sexuality instead of viewpoints and provide accurate information on the stand. We call this process of cognitive restructuring, including a number of tasks performed at home when we solved the problem as soon as possible. "He said. Would not treat vaginismus hymen relocating and unfortunately it is a wrong practice by some doctors saying that the patient Psychologist suggested. Brother-in-law: "Under normal conditions, the hymen does not constitute an obstacle to sexual intercourse, the hymen to be not only not be beneficial in eliminating the fear of women." He said. Psychologist who also expressed after treatment of vaginismus tekrarlamayacağını. Brother-in-law: "If the woman is fully willing to acknowledge their fears, fear of sexuality, and not as something to be avoided as the sharing of pleasure and love starts to detect the recurrence of a situation like vaginismus are not concerned." He said.How many patients are often yaşındadırlar vaginismus?Educated women, vaginismus, will you?Vaginismus patients admitted to the Institute for Sexual Health for consultation between the average age is usually 26-35 years of age, Dr. belirtenCİSED General. Felt Cem, "about how to contact Vajnismuslu women are highly resistant to treatment and often have children year after year and no longer bear the situation when it comes to the pressure on the environment they come to treatment, 19% of women 35-50 age group is presented to us." He said. Vaginismus in women as partners in every level of education and culture is an expression that an inherent fear Psychologist. Browsing, "especially at the doctoral level of university graduates trained in even more frequent in women, vaginismus and also more than expected in contrast to women who are resistant to treatment." He said.A reference book: Overcoming Vajinismus'unOvercoming Vajinismus'un must-read book is a masterpiece of the first and the Vice President saying that the psychologist Gülüm CİSED brother-in-law, "Overcoming Vajinismus'un mainly in couples living in the problem of vaginismus, vaginismus young girls to be concerned about their children what to avoid vaginismus should be made to parents who want to learn; sex therapists, sex counselors, and interested members of the media appeals to everyone. Overcoming Vajinismus'un; read and healing for patients, sex therapists, physicians, psychologists and counselors for the read and good meat; read for parents and child protective vaginismus, vaginismus and being read to young girls, and the media is for members of the arrow and prepared to inform about the logic of vaginismus is a reference source. Dr. sexual therapy. Overcoming Vajinismus'un felt about treatment approaches according to model; vaginismus gelebileceklerine focused on the problem of how to tackle the problem of women living with their spouses a guide book, a reference work written in a great wisdom and empathy, understood by everyone, written in a style book of a sexual therapy. In particular, under ideal conditions the normal structure of the hymen and after the experience of first sexual intercourse, bleed, tear-proof, impenetrable, fire, pain and suffering does not make recommendations and the case is full of examples proving the relevance of the claim. "He said.
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